Hello there! Thanks so much for visiting. I always had this thought
of why would anyone want to know what I am thinking or feeling? I have
to say people have surprised me. I may not be well versed in
everything news worthy or into the latest fashion, but I do have some
My newest and greatest passion is looking for
anything free or on sale. The cheaper the better. It still has to be
of good quality, but with the economy (really my household economy) I
need as many deals and freebies I can find. I visit many, many freebie
sites and try to bring the best to you.
My other
interests include knitting, reading (on my ipod via Kindel), having fun
with family, friends and playing really stupid games on Facebook. Why I
play those darn games I will never know, because they really are
useless and waste time I am sure can be used more wisely.
do have my moments where I just do NOTHING, absolutely NOTHING. Those
times seem to happen when I have taken too many things on and don't know
when to say NO. I guess we call it, burn out or are they small mental
breakdowns? HA,HA! My husband would probably agree with small mental
I have been married for 16 years this April
and have five beautiful children. My oldest daughter will be 21 May of
2010, my youngest is 11 years old and the only boy in the family. I
have three teenage girls in the house currently and oh what a treat that
can be!
All in all, we just like to have fun! Life is
too short to sweat the small stuff (which I catch myself doing still on
occasion). If my kids want to dye their hair, go right ahead, it's
just hair. It can be cut or grown back out. We let them do things
within reason and they know our boundaries. We speak very openly, all
be it embarrassingly I am sure, but I think being open is important.
There are some things we do not discuss because we have a couple of
worriers in this house among the kids and they have enough stress
without having to worry about the adult issues.
I hope
I have not bored you too much with my ramblings. Feel free to stop by
anytime and if you need help looking for something, give me a holler.
normally can find anything your heart may desire, with price
comparisons and all pretty quickly. I really think I annoy my husband
with that because when he wants to purchase something, I think...hmmm,
can we get cheaper else where? He hates waiting!
care and have a wonderful blessed life!
Unforgettable Circus Books That Capture Magic and Mystery
Explore these 22 circus books filled with magic, mystery, and unforgettable
adventure under the big top. The book list includes new release and
backlist ...
3 weeks ago